Grants awarded
You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.
We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated July 2024). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Towards the costs of running the museum
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Desert of the Mamluks documentation project
To document endangered built heritage and oral traditions in the ‘Desert of the Mamluks’ in Cairo’s ‘City of the Dead’ necropolis, and make the resulting materials freely available online.
1 year
Maritime Asia Heritage Survey
To document endangered heritage sites from Maritime Southern Asia: Thailand, Indonesia and the Maldives, and make the results freely available online.
5 years
Core funding
To enable Public.Resource.Org to expand its work in three key areas: access to edicts of government, text and data mining and access to knowledge.
5 years
Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property
American University Washington College of Law
For research and advocacy at the World Intellectual Property Office to secure reforms for greater access to scholarly research through exceptions to copyright law.
3 years
Reforms to Deliver the Right to Culture, Learning and Research through Libraries
To promote copyright law reform and regulation at EU and national level to enable libraries to facilitate greater access to and use of copyrighted works for cultural, educational and research purposes.
3 years
Nepal Heritage Documentation Project
To document monuments and heritage objects in the Kathmandu Valley and make the resulting materials freely available online.
6 years
Intelligence and action against wildlife trade (ReTTA Phase II)
To strengthen actions to reduce the illegal and unsustainable trade of African wild species to Asia through data gathering, information sharing, engagement and innovative interventions.
5 years
Mongolia Heritage Sites Survey
To create a publicly accessible database of endangered archaeological heritage in Mongolia using satellite imagery and on-the-ground survey.
5 years
Forest campaign
To constrain the role of finance in the destruction of climate-critical tropical forests and related human rights abuses. This is vital for combatting global climate change and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.
3 years
Palestinian Museum Digital Archive
To digitize endangered, dispersed and inaccessible collections of documents, photographs, videos and ephemeral materials representing the culture and history of Palestine from 1800 to the present and to make them freely available online.
3 years
To support the ‘Open Access Button’ project to help libraries improve users’ access to research articles.
4 years
Digitizing historical Swedish newspapers II
To digitize Swedish newspapers that are out of copyright (1645-1906) and make them freely available online.
2 years
Core costs
To support Open Syllabus in its mission to gather and analyse academic syllabi and make this information freely available online.
3 years
Strategic influence on digital policy making in the EU
To set up and support a strategic advocacy organization that will increase the ability of the open movement to strategically influence digital policy-making in the European Union.
4 years
Crisis Support Fund
Fauna & Flora International
To establish an emergency response fund to support Fauna & Flora’s partner organizations which were affected by COVID-19.
1 year
Earth Journalism Network - Biodiversity Media Initiative
To support local journalists to investigate and report worldwide on the threats to biodiversity and nature-based solutions.
3 years