Grants awarded

You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.

We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated July 2024). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.

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Showing 1-20 of 368 results.


Grant recipient

Protecting biodiversity through law

Scoping grant for ELAW to explore a regranting programme on protecting biodiversity through law



1 year

OpenAlex: a free index for the world's research

To support the growth, development, and institutional usage of OpenAlex - an open and comprehensive index of scholarly works, authors, and institutions.



5 years

Trinity College Medieval Manuscripts

Towards the digitization of fourteen significant Medieval manuscripts in the collection of Trinity College Dublin



2 years

Towards core costs



1 year

EU Nature Restoration Law

To provide support to environmental organisations, citizen groups and grassroots movements in a set of key EU Member States to strengthen the EU’s negotiation of the Nature Restoration Law.



1 year

Towards the Wikimedia endowment



1 year

Halcyon Land & Sea and core support

Halcyon Programmes and core support



3.5 years

Towards the costs of running the museum

Towards the costs of running the museum



1 year

Advancing open access



1 year

Legacy Landscapes Fund match grants

Match funding to create endowments for Chiribiquete (Colombia), Makira-Masoala (Madagascar) and Tambrauw (Indonesia).



1 year

Biodiversity and habitat governance

To support ClientEarth to use legal systems to develop and enforce biodiversity and habitat governance. ClientEarth will support the implementation of global policies and commitments to ensure terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems are appropriately safeguarded, managed and restored.



5 years

Refuseniks & Activists: The Soviet Jewish Emigration Project

Towards digitizing primary sources on the Soviet Jewish diaspora from disparate collections, and making them freely accessible online.



2 years

Core costs to the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition

To support the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition to continue its mission to protect deep-sea species and ecosystems from the harmful impacts of fishing and mining, and to strengthen and enhance biodiversity conservation and governance in international oceans.



3 years

Preserving Climate-Critical Rainforests

To constrain the role of finance in the destruction of climate-critical tropical forests and related human rights abuses, which is vital to combatting global climate change and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.



5 years

The Einstein Papers Project

To continue the digitization and open access publication of Albert Einstein's papers



3 years

Saving Nature's Strongholds

To support WCS in securing long-term conservation through a portfolio of nature strongholds - establishing or expanding protected areas and strengthening conservation of the most important existing wilderness areas



2 years

FragDenStaat: Democratising Public Databases

To obtain and openly publish online German government documents and information that ought to be freely available online



4 years

Open Book Futures

To help develop the infrastructures, business models, networks and resources to support open access books publishing by small-to-medium-sized publishers, non-profits and scholarly libraries



3 years

Central Asian Archaeological Landscapes

To complete an online open-access database of heritage sites in Central Asia, combining archival records and new documentation of sites.



5 years

Mapping Pre-Columbian archaeological heritage in South America

To produce an integrated public access database for the pre-Columbian archaeological heritage of South America, focussing on Brazil and Colombia.



3 years